Saturday, December 19, 2009

8 Tips For Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions

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Author: Mike Irvin


Making a New Years' Resolution is something people do each year. A resolution is a promise to yourself to do something different, whether it is to quit smoking, lose weight or go back to school. Here are some tips to stick to your "resolution".

1. Don't make it impossible. If you plan to lose weight, set a reasonable goal, perhaps 1 pound per week until you reach your goal. In other words, make it something that you can actually achieve.

2. Don't punish yourself for any transgressions. Everyone slides off the rails occasionally, that is why we are human and not superheroes. No one is perfect and the sooner you stop beating yourself up, the sooner you can get on with your goals.

3. Enlist a friend who has the same resolution as you. Work together on a buddy system to keep each other in check. Be supportive and seek support, two heads are better than one.

4. Keep a journal to track your progress. Write down your thoughts each day about how you are feeling and the steps you have taken to reach your ultimate goal.

5. Reward yourself. Set mini-goals and when you reach those, reward yourself with something great. It could be a day at the spa, a day out with friends, whatever it is that you like to do. Don't reward yourself with something that is not in line with your resolution. This means if you are trying to lose weight, don't reward yourself with a giant piece of cheesecake. Buy yourself a piece of clothing instead.

6. Don't make more than one resolution. If you have too many, it will be a recipe for disaster and disappointment. Instead, choose one really great resolution that you want to make for yourself and follow through.

7. Choose a resolution that is important to you. If it doesn't mean much, then it is likely you will not follow through.

8. Visualize your goal. See yourself in the future and how you will feel once you have achieved what you set out to do. Visualization is a strong motivator for most people.

A New Year's resolution does not have to be undertaken on New Year's Eve. It can be any day of the year. All you need to do is to make a solid promise to yourself that you will achieve a goal within a set time frame. If you need to, write a letter to yourself and outline the pros of reaching your goal. Keep these tips in mind to help you decide on a goal and stick to it.

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