Monday, December 21, 2009

Setting Goals: New Year's Resolutions

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It's here again. The end of the year… It arrives every year, same time, same place, and we're stuck wondering if the new year will begin or we will just cease to exist. And every year, I'm reminded of the back of the covered wagon medicine man selling his magic potion to cure what ails you, "Step right up, folks! The Magic is waiting. One tablespoon before bedtime and your eyes will be bluer, your hair will be blonder, and you'll have my name tattooed on your posterior! Step right up; there are only a few bottles left! Get your magic potion TODAY! Dr. J's New Year Solution to the New Year's Resolution! You don't want to miss this opportunity!"
You have NOT written your NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS? What are you last year's old shoe? Well, okay… the reality is, you don't have to write them. But, everyone else writes them?
As a businessperson, I always write one major goal I wish to accomplish during the year, with my business. Usually related to monetary gains, expansion, or customer service, this goal is posted along with my annual motto change (I always update it), on the bulletin board for all the world to see. (At least everyone who comes into my office and looks at the message board behind my computer.)
So, how do you achieve a goal? (Yes, of course I have a point.)
1. First you must have one. Write it down. If you don't write it down, put it in plain open site and boast about it so others will remind you of your goal.
2. Break it down to bite size bits. Make it doable. If you break it down into bite size bits, so you can do something toward your goal every day, you can achieve your ultimate goal - on time.
3. Give yourself a deadline. Make sure you know what you want to accomplish and by when - procrastination kills a good goal.
4. Put every step on your calendar and plan your day around the goal. Make it part of your every day activities to work on your goal. 15 or 20 minutes a day maybe - but write it down.
5. Make it a habit. It takes 21 days to make a habit. So for the first 21 days of January you are going to do your goal work at the same time and place every day. Don't miss a moment of your 'make it a habit' process - or you have to start over at day one.
6. Celebrate the small steps. IF you accomplish the first step toward your goal. Tell someone about it, celebrate it, give yourself a slap on the back and announce your success - along with your impending goal.
7. Just do it. Follow the steps, and make it happen. This is your life - don't give up and don't let go of your dreams!
Set a goal. Make a New Year's Resolution. Live the life you dream and make your dreams happen. It is achievable, whatever your goal, one step at a time!
Happy New Year!
Copyright (c) 2005 - Jan Verhoeff
Jan Verhoeff is a proponent of making it happen. If you have a dream, an idea, a thought that you want to succeed. Take that first step. Contact her or visit her website at

Author: Jan Verhoeff

Source: download



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