Saturday, December 19, 2009

Spirituality and New Year's Resolutions

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Author: Monica Thakrar


With New Year's almost upon us resolutions are something to think about. Year after year, we make resolutions with such earnestness, only to see them falter after only a month or two. The longstanding question remains: How can we truly follow through on our New Year's resolutions?

One way to be able to stay true to our resolutions is to become better connected with our spirit. What does that mean? It means understanding our soul's desires and moving towards them. Often, we set goals for ourselves that are in line with what our mind or society tells us we should be doing - eating better, exercising more often, controlling our finances, spending more time with family and friends. But if these goals are not aligned with our spirit's desires, we will not be able to effect true change in our life.

Achieving goals and sustained change are truly an inside-out job. Spirituality plays an important role in allowing us to become more connected with ourselves and with something higher than us. When we are thus connected, we make decisions for our greatest good and ones that help us reach our highest potential. When we are aligned with this potential, there is not as much internal resistance within us that will prevent us from reaching our goals.

So what is spirituality compared to religion? Spirituality is the connection to oneself and a higher power, while religion is the structure, rules, and rituals used to connect to a higher power. Spirituality is a direct connection, but structure is sometimes needed as a stepping-stone in order to connect. In that way, religion can help us begin on the path towards spirituality.

So, how do we connect to our spirit in order to follow through with our New Year's resolutions?

1. Listen to your intuition. Often, when we have a gut feeling, it is a nudge from the Universe to take steps in the direction we are meant to be moving. Take some quiet time for 5 to 10 minutes each day in order to hear the messages your intuition is trying to send you. Then, set goals that are based on this intuitive guidance. Continue taking this quiet time, not only to set goals, but also to stay on track to meeting those goals by staying connected to your spirit.

2. Visualize your goals. Create a "vision board" or collage of your goals by putting words, phrases and pictures on a poster board. Document your intuitive guidance on this vision board and keep it in the place where you have your quiet time each day. This will help you stay focused on the goals and visualize them coming to fruition.

3. Have faith. Listening to your true desires can bring up many fears (e.g. of failure or success), which can be another reason why following through on New Year's resolutions is a challenge. How do you get past the fears and doubts that may be holding you back from making life's needed changes? By connecting with spirit, faith and courage. This allows you to begin taking the risks you want to take, knowing the Universe will keep you safe. A predictable job or spending time with comfortable friends may make you feel safe, but in reality, they are holding you back from living the life you are meant to be living. By having more faith in something higher, you will not need the artificial safety of comfortable things, but will be able to go after what you truly desire.

4. Have a support group. Spend time with like-minded people who are also trying to connect with their spirit and achieve their spirit-centered goals. By being able to discuss your spiritual goals with others, you are much more apt to stay true to those goals and work towards them. Hire a coach, join a support group, attend your local church/synagogue/temple service and meet like-minded people. As you build your spiritual support group, it will be harder to fall off the wagon, as others will be there to help you when your own efforts wane.

The more you connect with yourself and with something higher, the better able you will be to follow through on your resolutions because they will be based on your spirit's desires and not just your mind's desires. Start with some quiet time today to hear the right resolutions, and then take baby steps to begin implementing them!

Monica Thakrar is a life coach focused on helping clients live a more balanced, joyful life. She helps clients achieve "wellness from the inside out." Take a free "How Stressed Are You" Quiz and receive 9 Stress Management tips FREE by signing up for it at Also sign up for a free Stress and Health Tele-summit at:



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