Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Parent's Guide to New Year Resolution Ideas

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Author: Trevor Johnson


New year resolution ideas often include us depriving ourselves of something. It would be better to focus on treating ourselves rather than not allowing or depriving ourselves of something. If we look at the good things instead of the bad then we can start to make resolutions that we will stick to.

Even if you make changes to do with children and changing the way we parent it is a positive step forward. With parenting resolutions they not only change our own world's but, also the world of our children. If we do not manage to implement those changes within the year, but change some area of our life we will still be closer than we were the year before.

Start to recognise when a child is behaving well and reward them accordingly. Notice the words used to speak to children and learn to show them gratitude instead of focussing on the negatives. Negatives are not helpful when spoken to a child.

Go camping or take up a sport together, at least you will be sharing more time with your child. Once parents start to spend more quality time with their children then they notice how much their children change and come out of themselves. Often we are too interested in our own lives and feel we lack time when really we should be making time for our children.

Try to use positive praise when your child does something well tell them. Instead of watching all the bad things that your child does make a real effort to praise them and notice their achievements. When using positives with your child instead of using negatives many changes will take place.

Learn to set an example because this is how children learn. They look up to parents as role models, but if the parent is doing something wrong then the child will learn to do that as well. If a person is lazy or untidy the child will learn that is all right to throw rubbish on the floor or leave toys out.

Stop bad habits before they spiral out of control. Avoid the triggers for the bad behaviour such as not hanging around outside in the smokers' corner. If bad habits are stopped early then children are not likely to have the same bad habits when they are older.

Parents that smoke have a higher chance of making their child have the habit when they are older. Weight issues can also arise in children if the occur in parents. Bad habits are often past on from parents to children.

Get help with your New Year's resolutions and find out how to break bad habits once and for all.



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