Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jump-Start Your New Year's Resolutions

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Author: Sheryl Matthews


With the holiday frenzy upon us, New Year's resolutions are about the last thing most people have on their minds. But face it, tagging along right behind Thanksgiving and Christmas is a new year. For most people it is a dismal time of year. The celebrating is over, vacation from work or school has past, and the weather is bleak. The majority have overate and overspent. This does not have to be a time of despair. Why not get a jump-start on your New Year's Resolutions and be ahead of the game. Here are three ideas you will want to try.

First, you will reinvent your resolution. You may be one of the few who come up with a new resolution each year, but for most of us, we have the same one. We start out gangbusters with our goal and too soon fizzle out. This year can be different. By reinventing, we acknowledge that the resolution is important to us and it is not something that we will just ignore because we have failed to stick with it in the past. An example of reinventing a resolution to lose weight would be: I am going to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet. If getting organized is on your list, you might say: I am going to remodel my office space. Make it an optimistic statement and one that you can look forward to.

Second, you will design a formal plan. This is a fun project. You need to envision exactly what you want to accomplish. Brainstorm for creative ideas. Visit your local library or do research online. Then make a portfolio of your plan. This can be as simple as a one-page report, or as elaborate as a file complete with pictures, articles, or list of resources to refer to. Keep this plan accessible. You may not wish to have it posted for everyone to see, but designate a symbolic object that represents the resolution that you can touch or see. Tie a yellow ribbon on your key chain to represent yellow bananas or carry a paperclip in your pocket to represent office files.

Third, set definite dates to reward yourself. Circle those dates on the calendar and consider them days to celebrate. Allow a budget to follow through with the reward. A resolution to lose weight could be celebrated with a shopping day to purchase a new outfit or an airline ticket to vacation at a beach resort! Staying organized could be celebrated with purchasing a new desk or a new computer accessory.

Now your resolutions are success-oriented. Because they are fun and obtainable, you are probably anxious to get started. No need to wait till the New Year, get a jump-start now!

Sheryl A. Matthews writes about family life, health, and relationships. She has a degree in Business Education and has experience in a wide range of career fields including military and government personnel, health and childcare. At present, she is owner of Sanneco, a home-based business featuring products for better living. You can visit her website at or comment on her blog at



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