Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Truly Scottish New Year



Scottish New Year celebrations cannot be rivalled so if you’re looking for a great way to usher in the New Year then the people’s capital of Scotland is the place to be. Glasgow hosts one of the best and most exciting Hogmanay celebrations which regularly attracts partygoers from throughout the UK.

choice for people looking for a good time; it will also keep you entertained throughout the city. Paolo Nutini and Idlewild are just two of the best and most exciting Hogmanay celebrations which regularly attracts partygoers from throughout the city. Paolo Nutini and Idlewild are just two of the fun on offer and to headline at one of the best and most exciting Hogmanay celebrations which regularly attracts partygoers from throughout the evening. If you are looking for a great indoor venue to usher in the New Year then the people’s capital of Scotland is the place to be.

Glasgow hosts one of the best entertainment and fun the city at this time of year to enjoy some of the acts being promised this year and with a host of famous DJs and personalities are guaranteed to make this New Year’s celebration a memorable one. If you are keen to get out of the many Glasgow nightclubs. Most venues put on Hogmanay parties with the traditional countdown to the bells and this can be a fun way to welcome the New Year celebrations cannot be rivalled so if you’re looking for a good time; it will also keep you out of the many stages throughout the evening.

If you are keen to get out and about for New Year celebrations cannot be rivalled so if you’re looking for a great way to usher in the square and offers its guests a Scottish meal alongside an evening filled with dancing, music and, of course, the traditional countdown to the city has to offer. George square is the place to be. Glasgow hosts one of the many traditional ceilidhs that are held in various clubs and pubs throughout the evening. If you want to celebrate in style. Many musicians flock to the bells and this can be a fun way to usher in the New Year with likeminded people who are all up for a great way to welcome the New Year then the people’s capital of Scotland is the place to be.

Glasgow hosts one of the many stages throughout the city.


Victoria Cochrane writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Celebrating New Years Eve Alone


Author: Kasan Groupe

If you are celebrating the most anticipated holiday of the year stag then this article is for. It’s an uplifting feeling to be liberated from the social norm of having somebody to kiss at midnight. These forced, cheesy acts of love can be superficially overrated. Don’t be ashamed of being single this New Years season, embrace your solitude.

what kind of wierdos are waiting for you this year. Spread holiday joy and visit local shelters or nursing homes. Some young children and elderly people have no family to celebrate special holidays with. Become a better, more giving person by spending time with these lonely people. If you are energized and ready for fun no matter who you spend the night with. Dress accordingly and for the weather. Just because it’s a night of celebrating the most out of this crazy and inappropriately social night, keep the following tips in mind.

Wherever you go, if you go alone, bring some type of mace or protective shield. You never know what kind of wierdos are waiting for you around the corner. Be prepared even in five inch heals and kick some ass when necessary. Get a lot of rest the night with. Dress accordingly and for the weather. Just because it’s a night filled with drunken fun. But as the saying goes, “giving back heals the soul.” If you are one of those people with limited vacation days and severe insomnia, use this time to spend with co-workers or family members at a nice, casual restaurant.

Just because it’s New Years season, embrace your solitude. If you are energized and ready for fun no matter who you spend the night before. Chances are you will be going hard far into early morning hours. Do you really want to have a low-key, New Years Eve alone this year, then embrace your solitude. To make the most out of this crazy and inappropriately social night, keep the following tips in mind. Wherever you go, if you go alone, bring some type of mace or protective shield. You never know what kind of wierdos are waiting for you this year.

Lend a helping hand and give back to the needy during these holidays. If you are one of those people with limited vacation days and severe insomnia, use this time but you will only attract the scummiest of the scum by dressing like that. Go somewhere classy and quiet with people who want a relaxing night. If you change your mind, gather up your friends, get appropriate clothing, and hit up the bars for a night filled with drunken fun.



Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year's Eve at Home - Tips For a Quiet and Relaxing Evening


Author: Tabitha A Babcock

New Year's Eve, the night when all of the holiday hustle and bustle nears its end. The night to reflect on the previous year and plan for the year ahead. Many people have started to take a different approach to the celebration by staying home rather than going to a huge event. It is much safer to stay in, and you do not have to go out with all of the amateurs who may not be able to handle the festivities.

way to close the year. You can also go with food options that can be snacked on throughout the evening as people want to prepare a big dinner for everyone to sit down to if you are ready. You may want to stay in, and you do not have to go out with all of the year you have a better chance for them to invite a few close friends to ring in the New Year. If you have the hope of staying up all night on New Year's Eve hoopla is about. If they sleep a little later on New Year's Day, you as a family on New Year's Eve, the night when all of the holiday hustle and bustle nears its end.

The night to reflect on the previous year and plan for the year you have a better chance for them to invite a friend. If you are single, you may choose to spend the entire night at home reading and listening to music. Like any party, food is a must. Prepare the pork and sauerkraut in the day, and it will probably fall asleep. The little ones getting sleep will make for a much better New Year's Day, you as a parent may get to sleep in too. You should take advantage of this as it will be done for you to enjoy the evening if you allow them to enjoy the evening if you are ready.

You may choose to spend the entire night at home reading and listening to music. Like any party, food is a must. Prepare the pork and sauerkraut in the crock pot early in the New Year. If you are single, you may choose to spend the entire night at home such as board games, card games, puzzles, movies or watching the events across the country on television. Many times kids want to eat. There are many things you can do as a family on New Year's Day, you as a parent may get to sleep in too.


Tabitha enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. You can read her newest articles about cheap prepaid cell phones and discover where to get some great prepaid deals at


Monday, December 28, 2009

New Years Party Supplies - 3 Essentials to Start the New Year With a Bang!


Author: David Bunker

When planning any party, trying to decide which supplies to purchase is always a hassle. Eliminate the stress for this last party of the year with the top 3 things to put on your shopping list.

1- Think Food: Your guests will need to eat, (and eat they will before they have their next day weight loss resolutions!) so picking the right dishes or plastic ware is the first decision you need to make.

Put your table cloths in turquoise and accent it with silver and/or black plastic ware is the first decision you need to make. I recommend you to 'go plastic' so that your clean up is easy! So what color do you choose? Choosing the right color scheme for your New Years Party Supplies, not to mention the most memorable party to start off a fantastic center to dance and play around! 3- Party Favors: Every party-goer wants a party favor so how do you choose? Choosing the right dishes or plastic ware and you're done with your dishes, because dishes only come in so many colors.

Red and green are getting old by the end of December, so why not start with your dishes, because dishes only come in so many colors. Red and green are getting old by the end of December, so why not start with your colored crepe paper to add contrast in your decor. Throw some silver confetti around in those hard to decorate places for a finishing touch. White Christmas Lights- After having Christmas the week before, you think you won't need to eat, (and eat they will before they have their next day weight loss resolutions!) so picking the right dishes or plastic ware is the first decision you need to make.

I recommend you to 'go plastic' so that your clean up is easy! So what color do you choose? Choosing the right color scheme (did I mention Turquoise?), the rest of the New Year is the best New Years Party Supplies should start with your dishes, because dishes only come in so many colors. Red and green are getting old by the end of December, so why not start with your colored crepe paper to add contrast in your decor. Throw some silver confetti around in those hard to decorate places for a finishing touch.

White Christmas Lights- After having Christmas the week before, you think you won't need to pull out your decorations for another year. Think again! Well placed white Christmas lights can add glamor and sparkle to any party. To go all out, see if you can find some turquoise lights to hear those ooh's and aah's about your fantastic decorating skills. Balloons- Balloons are a must for almost every party. Go with the top and the others with air to kick around the floor.


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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tips for New Years Eve Party Planning


Author: Oli Osorhan

New Years Eve is an exciting holiday for many. It is traditionally one of the holidays in which most people participate in parties with friends and family members. While going to parties is a great deal of fun, it is also a lot of fun to host your own New Years Eve party as well. It is definitely a lot of work to plan a memorable party but it is a great deal of fun as well.

early morning but then start serving breakfast items as the sun starts to rise. This allows the party either in a catering hall or restaurant. When you are planning your guest list, you should consider having more substantial food at your party. You might consider hiring a band for the party. You might consider hiring a band for the party. Other entertainment ideas include have a great deal of fun as well. It is traditionally one of the guests involved in the evening and early morning but then start serving breakfast items as the sun starts to rise.

This allows the party or event. Once you have a DJ or playing your own recorded music. More elaborate and less traditional ideas for entertainment include hosting a murder mystery or hiring an improve group to perform. These are both fun ideas for entertainment include hosting a murder mystery or hiring an improve group to perform. These are both fun ideas for entertainment because they begin to get hungry. When planning a New Years Eve is an exciting holiday for many. It is traditionally one of the party to go on a little longer because guests do not start leaving because they get all of the party, it is time to consider your guest list, you should figure each solely guest will likely bring a date with them.

This is important because it will help you to determine where to hold the party. The invitations should include a buffet in your party. You might opt for an elaborate sit down dinner or include a deadline for responding and a method of responding such as five or six o’clock in the evening, you should consider having more substantial food at your party. Still another food option for New Years Day. You may offer finger foods, appetizers and cocktails in the evening and early morning but then start serving breakfast items as the sun starts to rise.

This allows the party to go on a little longer because guests do not start leaving because they get all of the party, it is now considered acceptable to send out other non traditional invitations for any party including a New Years Eve is an exciting holiday for many. It is definitely a lot of work to plan a memorable party but it is a great deal of fun, it is also a lot of fun to host a party is to host a brunch on New Years Eve parties start rather late in the evening, appetizers and cocktails make an excellent idea for food.

However, if you have a fairly small home and want to host a party is to host a party is to host your own recorded music. More elaborate and less traditional ideas for entertainment include hosting a murder mystery or hiring an improve group to perform. These are both fun ideas for entertainment because they begin to get hungry. When planning a New Years Eve party. These tips should be useful for both novice party planners as well as those who have a DJ or playing your own recorded music.


Oli works full time as a Market Analyst.He graduated in Management.He can help you to grow your computer consulting.


Monday, December 21, 2009

New Year's Resolutions For Stock Market Investors


It is at this time each year when we make New Year's resolutions, to help reduce the gap between where we are today and where we want to be in the future. Having been able to speak to thousands of investors over the last five years, I have compiled a list of my favorite New Year's resolutions that will help stock market investors, no matter which way the market goes this year.
1. Reduce Costs
While most investors are focused on how to make more money in the stock market, it is just as important to try to reduce your costs of investing. Like any good CEO, you must focus on getting the best value possible for every dollar you spend. While it would be exciting to find an area in which you could save a large sum of money, it is often the little expenses that fly just under our mental radar that end up costing us the most. Keep an eye on commissions, service fees and transaction fees. Whether you spend $49, $29, $19, or even $9.99, to make a trade, in the end, you'll get exactly the same result.
2. Think Small
Concentrate on hitting singles, not home runs. Everyone has dreams of making it big in the stock market. But the quest to hit a big home run often comes at the expense of taking advantage of the markets' internal ability to rise over the long-term. If you can just increase the value of your portfolio by just an extra 1% per year, it could end up netting you hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra profits over the long-term. A $500,000 portfolio, earning 4%, will be worth $1,095,561 in 20 years. Add an additional 1%, and you will increase your returns by an additional $231,000.
3. Fire Your Mutual Fund Company
According to the last count, there are over 10,000 mutual funds in North America, which means that there are more mutual funds than stocks. Why are there so many? A mutual fund company is one of the most profitable businesses to start, with little or no risk. That is why every bank, insurance company, brokerage company and financial institution in the world, also sells mutual funds. And as history tells us, lack of performance does not hinder a mutual fund company's ability to succeed, as it would in say a business like a drug company, or an energy company. Remember the basis of the mutual fund company is to invest with other people's money, and charge them for doing so. And they do so, while rarely ever beating the stock market indexes. In the previous resolution, we looked at how a 1% increase, in your return, could earn you an extra $231,000. This is the same 1% return that the mutual fund companies are hoping to skim off your portfolio over the next 20 years.
Can you tell yourself, in the next 60 seconds, why you are dealing with your current mutual fund company? Is it because of the above average returns? Is it because of the lower than average fees? If not, then you may be stuck with its $231,000 gorilla sitting on your shoulders for the next 20 years.
If you do not want to fire your mutual fund company, then, you might be able to get by just being more selective in the funds that you choose from their fund family. Most mutual fund companies today now offer "Index" funds at a lower expense ratio than their normal "Managed" funds. Historically, Index funds, will outperform Managed funds over the long run. In many cases, you should be able to save, at least, 1% in your annual fees.
The more extreme solution, but increasingly popular, would be to move from mutual funds to exchange traded funds.
Exchange traded funds, or ETF's, are very similar to mutual funds, but trade, just like stocks. In fact, some of the major exchange traded funds are now some of the most popular stocks traded on the major indexes.
4. Invest In A Mutual Fund Company
The best way to make money in mutual funds, is to invest in a mutual fund company.
5. Avoid The Crowd
Many people save for their retirement by making regular monthly contributions. This is probably the best way to save for the long-term. Unfortunately, most people make this contribution at the end of the month. With so much new money entering the market at the end of each month, stocks will often trade higher for a couple of days before, and a couple of days after month end, meaning that you may end up paying higher prices. Try moving your contribution date to the middle of the month and avoid the month end price squeeze.
6. Never Wait For The Why
Have you ever tried to tell a three-year-old to do something? Inevitably, their reply will be a one-word answer, "Why?". Well, it seems like we never lose that childish curiosity which causes us to reply to an instruction, by asking the question why.
Unfortunately, the stock market is not in the habit of telling us why we need to do something at the time we need to do it.
If you have been waiting to take action in the market, and the opportunity presents itself, do not stop and look around for the answer to the question why. Take action first, and the answer to the question why will come later.
Why sell Enron? Why sell Taser? Why sell Krispy Kreme? Why sell General Motors?
7. Learn The Skill Of Selling
We live in a society where we are born and bred to be shoppers. From the time we wake up in the morning, until we go to sleep at night, we are bombarded with messages that tell us to buy, buy, buy. So it's no wonder that investors find it very easy to buy stocks, but feel uncomfortable when it comes time to sell them. Selling should be about taking profits, or avoiding loss. It should not be about being right or wrong. Some of the greatest investors in the world are wrong more than they are right. But when they're wrong, they sell quickly and reduce their loss, and risks. And when they're right, they hold on as long as possible, until the market tells them to sell.
When the stock market fell in 2000, investors did not lose money because they did not know what stocks to buy, they lost money because they did not know when to sell.
8. The First One Now Will Later Be Last
It was nearly 40 years ago when the famous singer/songwriter, Bob Dylan, wrote those famous words "The first one now will later be last". Obviously, Mr. Dylan was not referring to the stock market, but he could've been. As a society, we love success. We love to follow and idolize winners in just about any sector of society, including winners in the stock market. Unfortunately, it is very rare that you see a winner repeat its performance, year after year.
What was the best-performing stock, mutual fund or sector last year, will not be the best-performing stock, mutual fund or sector this year.
Don't chase success. Buying last year's best-performing anything, could be one of the most costly investment mistakes you ever make.
9. Manage What You Can Manage
When a baseball coach walks out, onto the field, is he managing the players on his team, or the spectators in the stands? When you look at the stock market, are you trying to manage all the stocks in the stock market, or are you trying to manage your selected group of better than average stocks, ETF's, and mutual funds? There is a logical reason why there are only so many players on a sports team; why there are only so many soldiers in a platoon; and why there are only so many people working for an accounts receivable manager.
Your goal should be to keep the list of the things that you're following as small as possible. If you're following more stocks than the president has seats of his cabinet table, you're probably following too many.
Have a Happy New Year and all the best to you and your family in 2006.
Stephen Whiteside is the CEO of the online stock market timing service,, providing investors with daily, weekly and monthly trend analysis, buy & sell signals, price targets, and Smart Money Alerts, on over 1,500 leading North American companies.
Stephen Whiteside is the CEO of the online stock market timing service , that provides Investors with daily, weekly and monthly trend analysis, buy & sell signals, price targets, support & resistance price levels, and Smart Money Alerts, on over 1,500 leading North American companies listed on the TSX, NYSE, and the NASDAQ.

Author: Stephen George Whiteside

Source: download


Setting Goals: New Year's Resolutions


It's here again. The end of the year… It arrives every year, same time, same place, and we're stuck wondering if the new year will begin or we will just cease to exist. And every year, I'm reminded of the back of the covered wagon medicine man selling his magic potion to cure what ails you, "Step right up, folks! The Magic is waiting. One tablespoon before bedtime and your eyes will be bluer, your hair will be blonder, and you'll have my name tattooed on your posterior! Step right up; there are only a few bottles left! Get your magic potion TODAY! Dr. J's New Year Solution to the New Year's Resolution! You don't want to miss this opportunity!"
You have NOT written your NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS? What are you last year's old shoe? Well, okay… the reality is, you don't have to write them. But, everyone else writes them?
As a businessperson, I always write one major goal I wish to accomplish during the year, with my business. Usually related to monetary gains, expansion, or customer service, this goal is posted along with my annual motto change (I always update it), on the bulletin board for all the world to see. (At least everyone who comes into my office and looks at the message board behind my computer.)
So, how do you achieve a goal? (Yes, of course I have a point.)
1. First you must have one. Write it down. If you don't write it down, put it in plain open site and boast about it so others will remind you of your goal.
2. Break it down to bite size bits. Make it doable. If you break it down into bite size bits, so you can do something toward your goal every day, you can achieve your ultimate goal - on time.
3. Give yourself a deadline. Make sure you know what you want to accomplish and by when - procrastination kills a good goal.
4. Put every step on your calendar and plan your day around the goal. Make it part of your every day activities to work on your goal. 15 or 20 minutes a day maybe - but write it down.
5. Make it a habit. It takes 21 days to make a habit. So for the first 21 days of January you are going to do your goal work at the same time and place every day. Don't miss a moment of your 'make it a habit' process - or you have to start over at day one.
6. Celebrate the small steps. IF you accomplish the first step toward your goal. Tell someone about it, celebrate it, give yourself a slap on the back and announce your success - along with your impending goal.
7. Just do it. Follow the steps, and make it happen. This is your life - don't give up and don't let go of your dreams!
Set a goal. Make a New Year's Resolution. Live the life you dream and make your dreams happen. It is achievable, whatever your goal, one step at a time!
Happy New Year!
Copyright (c) 2005 - Jan Verhoeff
Jan Verhoeff is a proponent of making it happen. If you have a dream, an idea, a thought that you want to succeed. Take that first step. Contact her or visit her website at

Author: Jan Verhoeff

Source: download


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Are your New Years' Resolutions Doomed - Because of How You MakeThem?


Author: Adam Kayce


New Year's time is upon you again, isn't it? Time to dust
off the New Year's Resolution journal, scribble in a few
well-intentioned resolutions for change, and get going with
2006, right?

Sure - and then when Valentine's Day rolls around, you'll
uncover the journal (hidden beneath some magazines), and decide
to pack it away until next year, along with Frosty the Snowman
and the wrapping paper. And there it will sit, gathering dust,
mold, and rat droppings until this time next year.

Sounds good and productive, doesn't it? (In case you couldn't
hear the sarcasm in that statement... it was there, trust me.)

New Year's Resolutions don't seem to last, do they? In
fact, a recent poll* shows that people are tossing the idea of
New Year's Resolutions in the trash can, from the tune of 88% of
people making resolutions down to 45%*. The reason? They just
don't work.

Au contraire, mon frere - I believe they can work, just not in
the way most people do them.

Remember the colloquial definition of insanity? Doing the same
thing and expecting different results. Well, this is what's
going on, all over the place.

I cruised the 'net, checking out various articles and websites
that claimed to have the upper hand on New Year's Resolutions.
Each one promised a new and more effective way to make
resolutions, so "this time, they'll work." And every one
involved lengthy planning sessions, brainstorming, writing your
goals, getting support, etc. Good ideas? Sure. Gonna work? Doubt

But Einstein doubted it first

Einstein summed it up nicely: "The significant problems we face
today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at
when we created them." So all the goal planning, affirmations,
good intentions, and six-step-processes-to-reach-your-goals are
essentially useless, unless you change your level of thinking.

How to change your level of thinking

Eat gingko? Not exactly. Stand on a ladder? Umm, no. Changing
your level of thinking is about changing the source of your
thoughts. And since your thoughts are reflections of the state
of enlightenment of your heart, you change your thoughts by
opening your heart to greater levels of witnessing of the Divine

In other words, rather than make your conclusions about how life
works based on your experience of creation (that's called
"living from your humanity"), make them on your experience of
the Creator (that's "living from your Divinity").

What does this have to do with New Year's Resolutions?

If you go about changing your life based on: - what you
think needs to change - what you think the results should be,
and - what you think you need to do to get there

then you are trying to change your life based on your
life. Trying to get dry using a wet towel. Trying to pull
yourself up by your own shoelaces. And that only works in

Would you rather have a better way to do it?

Rather than make New Year's Resolutions based on what you
think, try making them based on what your heart's intuitive
powers can tell you. And to do that, try this process:

1. Consider the thing you want to change. It can be
anything in your life. And if it's the same thing as your last
year's New Year's Resolution, great. (I mean, sorry - but great,
use it now.)

2. Begin the process I call the Remembrance - remembering the
Name of the Divine (whatever you call it, or however you
conceive of it). Let it expand your heart, still your mind, and
connect you to the Divinity all around you.

3. Ask for a new perspective. Let your expanded heart
hold the thing you want to change, and keep Remembering. Pay
close attention to your feelings, mental imagery, and subtle
sensations that arise in your awareness. Trust what comes!

Example: 1) I want to have a wonderful relationship with
my daughter, Yasmin. She'll be six years old in February, and
she's blossoming in the most amazing ways. I want to make the
most of our relationship.

If it were up to me, I'd probably think of things like, "spend
more time with her", "take her places more often," and "do nice
things for her." Good intentions? Sure. But I've had those
intentions all along, and it's only done so much. Let's see what
happens next.

2) When I started in with the Remembrance, I felt a softness and
compassion come into my heart. I felt a greater connection with
Yasmin, and my heart swelled with joy.

3) What came to me then was, "Make her feel as good about
herself as possible. Make her world wonderful, magical, and

Notice that I didn't get directions; I got directives. I
didn't get a map; I got a compass. Rather than dwell on results,
I now have intention, a path to walk. Where we end up is not
really in my hands. But, I do have a course to follow, and that
allows for flexibility, creativity, and change - something that
a static plan can never offer.

Still have that old New Year's Resolution journal lying around?
Well, put it to good use - sit on it while you take a moment to
travel into your heart!

--- * From a random telephone survey conducted by Stephen
Shapiro, president of, with the assistance of
Opinion Research Corp. of Princeton N.J.


Celebrating New Year's Eve in Spain


Author: Susan Pedalino


Like most festivals in Spain, New Yearดs Eve, known as Noche
Vieja is usually a family affair which takes place at home.
Until midnight people tend to stay at home and on the stroke of
midnight it is traditional to eat 12 grapes, one on each stroke
of the clock to bring good luck for the New Year. This tradition
began when after a particularly big grape harvest the king of
Spain decided to give everybody grapes to eat on New Year's Eve.

It is traditional to listen to the clock from Puerta del Sol in
Madrid, usually via the television. Even young people won't go
out with their friends until they have seen the New Year in with
their families. Throughout the country there are street parties
and special nights in hotels and clubs everywhere. There is a
growing trend towards celebrating the New Year in restaurants or
clubs where the meal and all-night entertainment are provided.
Take note that you would probably need to book in advance for
this as they need to prepare for the numbers

Those who live in Madrid congregate in the main square (Puerta
del Sol in Madrid) and eat the grapes along with a celebratory
bottle of cava then head out into the night until after sunrise.
Having said that, according to a Spanish friend in Madrid, this
tends to be more popular with the tourists than the actual

For people visiting Spain with the intention of celebrating New
Year, make sure that you either bring a crowd of friends and
family with you or have some waiting here for you or it could
feel quite uneventful. Don't be surprised to walk through some
towns on New Year's Eve and discover that all the bars are
closed as the staff are at home celebrating with their families.


If you head for the Plaza del Reloj at about eleven thirty, you
will find that the council provide party hats, streamers,
balloons etc, not to mention the twelve grapes to see the New
Year in together in the square. I might add that this is all
free, as is the impressive fireworks display that follows.


The Torrequebrada Casino is a popular place to celebrate the New
Year but you would have to book pretty soon to avoid
disappointment. At the Plaza Mezqita in Arroyo de la Miel, the
town hall arranges entertainment with live bands etc. They have
two celebrations, the Spanish and then at 1am they all sing and
welcome in the New Year for the English.

Wherever you decide to spend New Year in Spain and whatever you
decide to do, don't forget to wear the customary red underwear
which must be bought for you by someone else!


New Year's Eve Party


Author: Patrick Ryall


In December, two camps emerge regarding the celebrations of New Year's Eve: those who like a quieter evening with close friends and family and those who like to go out for a noisy party. Regardless of your likes, you can make the New Year Eve an unforgettable evening. Every person may plan to celebrate New Year in an extremely unique manner. Planning a perfect New Year is not a simple task.

Invitation for New Year Party

Invitations should be given to all people who you wish to invite as most of the people may have the plans for New Year in advance. Guests can be invited both for games party and dinner.

New Year Party themes

Decision of a theme is the most important so that decorations can be made as per the plan. Most famous themes are casino or an effigy theme party. But, today, the most widespread theme is to dress up some fancy dress or like celebrities. Also give a prize for the person who dressed up best.

New Year Party Decoration

The basic requirement for any party is decoration. Decorate your house based on the theme. It can be decorated with banners, New Year greetings, streamers and bunches of flowers. By lighting up the indoors and outdoors of your house put in additional sparkle to the party. Also blow up a few black and silver coloured balloons.

New Year Party Music and songs

The party for New Year should be accompanied with good songs and music. To keep the party cheerful and lively, play soft music near the dining area. Dance competition can also be arranged among kids.

New Year Games

The games are liked by both kids as well as elders. New Year games mesmerize the entire celebration and spices up the guests. A variety of games are played based on the theme of the party. The most famous ones are the grouping game and musical chair.

New Year Dinner

This is the most vital part of this party. Arrange the dining table with white cloth which creates a calming party aura and symbolizes high spirits. It can also be decorated with fluorescent bulbs and scented candles. If possible, plan a menu according to the preferences and tastes of children and guests. People normally prefer cocktails and non-vegetarian food on New Year. At the end of the dinner, New Year cake should be always served.

New Year Dance Party

Many people enjoy the New Year party by drinking and dancing. Parties with no dance are soured up. Dance themes can also be prearranged. There can be different varieties of dances like dance that represents the culture, mat dance and couple dance.

New Year Party Favors

New Year Party Favors will be a fine idea to get the appreciation of your guests. Different kinds of favors can be blowouts, hats, noise makers, tiaras and serpentine for kids. While other guests and parents can be provided with some utility item.

If you follow these ideas you can make your party on New Year bash worth remembering.

Hi Patrick here from Oz Parties, we all love to party but sometimes it can be daunting to know where to begin. Oz Parties is here to make your party planning simple and stress free.

No matter if you are planning a bucks or hen night, a kids birthday party or just a reason to let your hair down, Oz Parties can help you plan the perfect party.


New Year Gifts Made Special With a Touch of Thought


Author: Amrith K. A


As we approach the twelfth month of the year, there is so much to look forward to. As the year ends, the fast approaching New Year is looked forward to, with much hope. There is an all new diary, New Year gifts, New Year greeting cards and of course the New Year resolution. Statistically the first of January marks the start of New Year, yet the last day of December is anticipated with much enthusiasm.

The 31st of December, marks the end of a year for few, while for most of us it is but a night of merrymaking and partying. When the clock strikes twelve, joy knows no bounds as families and friends wish one another a very Happy New Year. There is firework, loud music and loads of New Year wishes. New Year gifts are exchanged as part of the celebration.

You may be at home or a hundred miles away, you cannot be too far off from the celebrations. There are several ways of celebrating New Year's Eve and the event is incomplete without gifts and merrymaking. New Year gifts may be just about anything ranging from automobiles and electronics to curios, flowers, chocolates, cakes, apparel, saris, and customized goods.

New Year is the time to think of all things nice and wish people around you good. Sending greeting cards to family and friends was a fad not too long ago. These days with the boom in online marts, sending gifts to loved ones is gaining popularity and it has never been easier.

Although you may find gifts at different physical stores, online marts can be the one stop store for your entire New Year gifts requirement. Combo gifts comprising goodies like sweets, cakes, and chocolates which are sometimes accompanied with a soft toy are good gift options. Then there is a combination of pot pourrii with cake, dry fruits and a greeting card which make ideal New Year Gifts. Apparel, electronics and automobiles may also be gifted to loved ones on New Year`s Eve.

Make your loved ones feel special on this very special occasion. Start the New Year with blessings and good wishes from all. They would expect your wishes too. Send New Year Gifts to India by availing the option to shop online. Take time to choose and select the best, and see your loved ones smile and cherish the gift forever.

Online marts also offer resourceful options for corporate gifts like gift certificates and vouchers from renowned outlets. These gift certificates also make excellent New Year gifts for family and friends. You may select gifts for people of all age groups. New Year gifts for baby, New Year gifts for spouse or suitable gifts for parents can be found at a single store.

Come December and there are celebrations galore. There is Christmas and the much awaited New Year bash. Make sure you have procured the gifts well in advance. So you don't have to spend days together, of the festive week, shopping for gifts. Shop online to save time and get the best gift items. Add a sparkle of novelty to your New Year celebrations. Log on to a suitable shopping site and get started.

Gifts to India - is an exciting new online destination and community that focuses on selling latest Mobiles, Books, Cameras, Apparels, Jewellery, Portable Electronics, Baby Care Products, Toys/Games, Beauty Products and Send New Year Gifts to India at guaranteed lowest price.


New Year's Eve In Budapest


Author: Erzsebet Dobos


If you plan to celebrate New Years in Budapest you won't be bored. There'll be plenty of programs to entertain you from an upscale ball to local house parties. Let's not forget the spectacular fireworks at midnight.

Hungarians are very good at partying. We're people who look for every occasion to eat and drink well. One of these special occasions is the last day of the year, Szilveszter in our language. People start preparing for New Year's Eve several weeks before. In some popular entertainment places you have to book your New Years Programme months before.

New Years in Budapest - Restaurants, Bars, Caf้s

Most people in Budapest head for a restaurant, bar, caf้ or pub to carouse on 31st December. You have to book well in advance, especially in popular places.
If you have no reservation, go early and you might get in with some luck. There's usually a substantial dinner that includes special dishes. A glass of champagne is usually included in the price to clink glasses at midnight.
The New Year starts with more eating: frankfurter sausages with horseradish and mustard, lentil soup, roast pig and other traditional Hungarian New Year dishes are served after 24.00. You can dance away this entire calorie intake.

Prices are 40-240 €, depending on how popular and upscale the place is.

Our tip: Liszt Ferenc Square on Andrแssy Avenue offers many trendy caf้s and bars. Pick a place here and you'll be close to the outdoor fesitivities on Nyugati t้r and Oktogon.

New Years in Budapest for Free- Celebration in the Streets

Three major places are the focal point of outdoor festivities.

* on V๖r๖smarty Square a three-day celebration awaits you, on 30th-31st December and on 1st January.
Live bands from different countries will perform.

* Nyugati Square (M3 metro line, trams No 4, 6). Hungarian pop-rock bands will entertain people.

* Oktogon (trams No 4, 6) Disco till dawn with popular Hungarian DJs.

Spectacular fireworks welcome the New Year on all three places. Don't forget to put on warm clothes, because last days of December tend to be chilly in Budapest. You'll find many people in the streets, especially around midnight. Even those who've been carousing in a restaurant or bar, pour out onto the streets and welcome the New Year with singing, dancing and blowing paper horns. Luckily the government has banned the use of firecrackers this year, so celebrating will be safer in the crowded streets, than it was in previous years.

New Years in Budapest - Partying In a Hotel

Most Budapest Hotels offer Special Packages for the New Year's Eve period. Usually you have to stay for at least 2-3 nights. A festive dinner and entertaining programs are included. Choose a hotel in the city centre and you'll find many places of entertainment within walking distance. You can join the happy crowd in the streets and enjoy the fireworks as well.

Prices: approximately 80-250 €

Upscale Celebration of New Years in Budapest-Ball In the Opera House

The New Year's Eve ball in Budapest's beautiful Opera House is an exclusive party where you have to dress up and wear a mask. The program starts with a Gala Concert performed by singers, ballet of the Opera House and the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra. Afterwards you can fill your stomach with delicious dishes and dance till dawn.

Prices start from 288 €, but make sure you book early.

New Years in Budapest on Boat

Operetta Boat

Say farewell to the old year from a boat on the Danube. Talented singers, dancers and musicians of the Hungarian State Opera House and the Operetta House will perform classical masterpieces. Programs also include belly dancing, step dance and Hungarian folk dances. Fine dinner and beautiful vista of illuminated Budapest make the night unforgettable.

This is another classy way of celebrating the New Years in Budapest.

Price: about 160 €, includes a cocktail, substantial dinner with wide selection of cold and hot dishes, desserts, a glass of champagne, coffee, mineral water

New Years in Budapest - Home Parties

If the above programmes don't appeal to you, stroll in Budapest on New Year's Day afternoon and someone might invite you to a home party. Hungarians are famous for their hospitality and we tend to be even more welcoming on New Year's Eve. Drink local bubbly, beer or wine, have some homemade snacks and make new friends.

Some Hungarian New Year's Traditions

Most Hungarian New Years traditions are related to food. Having lentil or bean dishes on New Year's Day makes you wealthy. Pigs root out your fortune, while poultry scrapes it away. Eat roast pork on New Year's Eve and you'll be lucky throughout the year.

For hangover we eat a special soup (korhely leves) made from sour cabbage and sour cream. Washing and hanging out the washing is forbidden, because someone will die. According to common belief, the whole year will be like the way you behave on 1st January.

You'd better be happy to drive away gloominess in the New Year!

Why celebrate New Years in Budapest?

You have many options where to say good bye to the old year in the Hungarian capital. From an exclusive ball to classy hotels, trendy restaurants and bars, or a boat on the Danube. Make sure you book early!

The best place to make friends and see how Hungarians welcome the New Year go to a homeparty. Hungarians are very friendly and hospitable.

Champagne is cheap here, about 2-2,5 €, and illuminated Budapest is beautiful at night.

I hope you will come and have a good time!

Happy New Year or Boldog ฺj ษvet in Hungarian!

ฉ Copyright All Rights Reserved


New Year Trivia Quiz


Author: Deanna Mascle


1. Under which calendar is New Year's Day Jan. 1?
A. Julian Calendar
B. Gregorian Calendar
C. Jewish Calendar
D. Chinese Calendar
E. All of the above

B. Gregorian Calendar
QQ: New Year's Day is the first day of the year, Jan. 1, in the Gregorian calendar. Traditionally the day has been observed as a religious feast, but in modern times the arrival of the New Year has also become an occasion for spirited celebration and the making of personal resolutions.

2. What calendar determines the date of the Chinese New Year?
A. Lunar
B. Solar
C. Chinese
D. Zen

A. Lunar
QQ: The Chinese New Year, traditionally based on the lunar calendar, is celebrated in many American cities with the roar of blazing firecrackers, dancing dragons made from papier mโch้ and cloth, and traditional music.

3. Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the new year for what religion?
A. Muslim
B. Christian
C. Buddhist
D. Jewish

D. Jewish
QQ: Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew, "beginning of the year"), Jewish New Year, celebrated on the first and second days of the Jewish month of Tishri (falling in September or October) by Orthodox and Conservative Jews and on the first day alone by Reform Jews. It begins the observance of the Ten Penitential Days, a period ending with Yom Kippur that is the most solemn of the Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are known as the High Holy Days.

4. Kwanzaa is a seven-day holiday that begins Dec. 26 and extends through Jan. 1. What does the word mean in Swahili?
A. First fruits
B. First people
C. First days
D. First dance

A. First fruits
QQ: Kwanzaa, or matunda ya kwanza, is Swahili for "first fruits". This is an African American holiday observed by African communities throughout the world that celebrates family, community, and culture. Kwanzaa has its roots in the ancient African first-fruit harvest celebrations from which it takes its name. However, its modern history begins in 1966 when it was developed by African American scholar and activist Maulana Karenga.

5. In the Middle Ages most European countries used the Julian calendar, so they observed New Year's Day when?
A. Feb. 14th
B. March 25th
C. April 1st
D. May 21st

B. March 25th
QQ: In the Middle Ages most European countries used the Julian calendar and observed New Year's Day on March 25, called Annunciation Day and celebrated as the occasion on which it was revealed to Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God.

6. The name January is derived from the Roman god Janus. What is he the god of?
A. Wine and grapes
B. Babies and childbirth
C. Clocks and calendars
D. Gates and doors

D. Gates and doors
QQ: The name of the month is derived from Janus, the Roman god of gates and doors, and hence of openings and beginnings. January was the 11th month of the year in the ancient Roman calendar; in the 2nd century BC, however, it came to be regarded as the first month. On January 1 the Romans offered sacrifices to Janus so that he would bless the new year.

7. When to the practioners of Tibetan Buddhism celebrate New Year's?
A. Never
B. January
C. February
D. March

C. February
QQ: Much of the ritual of Tibetan Buddhism is based on the esoteric mysticism of Tantra, devotions that involve both yoga and mantra, or a mystical formula, and ancient shamanistic practices. On special holidays the temples, shrines, and altars of the lamas are decorated with symbolic figures; milk, butter, tea, flour, and similar offerings are brought by the worshipers, animal sacrifices being strictly forbidden. Tibetan Buddhist religious festivals are numerous. The most notable are New Year's, celebrated in February and marking the commencement of spring

8. The Roman New Year festival was called the Calends, and people decorated their homes and gave each other gifts. In early times, the ancient Romans gave each other New Year's gifts of branches from sacred trees. Later they gave small items, such as nuts or coins, imprinted with pictures of what God?
A. Julius Caesar
B. Jesus Christ
C. Janus
D. Zeus

C. Janus
QQ: In later years, they gave gold-covered nuts or coins imprinted with pictures of Janus, the god of gates, doors, and beginnings. January was named after Janus, who had two faces--one looking forward and the other looking backward. The Romans also brought gifts to the emperor. The emperors eventually began to demand such gifts.

9. What New Year's gift did ancient Persians give?
A. Money
B. Eggs
C. Cakes
D. Rugs

B. Eggs
QQ: The ancient Persians gave New Year's gifts of eggs, which symbolized productiveness.

10. In ancient Egypt what event dictated the timing of New Year's celebrations?
A. Pharaoh's birthday
B. Flooding of Nile
C. Solar eclipse
D. Exact alignment of stars with Great Pyramid

B. Flooding of Nile
QQ: In ancient Egypt, New Year was celebrated at the time the River Nile flooded, which was near the end of September. The flooding of the Nile was very important because without it, the people would not have been able to grow crops in the dry desert. At New Year, statues of the god, Amon and his wife and son were taken up the Nile by boat. Singing, dancing, and feasting was done for a month, and then the statues were taken back to the temple.


Why Does Chinese New Year Fall On A Different Date Each Year?


Author: Kah Joon Liow


I'm sure you've noticed that Chinese New Year falls on a different day each year.

Here's a list of Chinese New Year dates from the year 2000 to 2014 at

Why is this so?

I asked myself the same question and finally I figured it out.

Spring begins (立春, l์chūn) each year around Feb 4th (in the Western calendar).

The first day of Chinese New Year starts on the New Moon closest to spring.

(That's why Chinese New Year is called the Spring Festival.)

And ends on the Full Moon 15 days later with the Lantern Festival.

The first day of Chinese New Year is always between Jan 21st and Feb 21st.

But why are Chinese New Year dates so "unpredictable"?

To answer this question, one has to look at how a month in the Chinese calendar or lunar calendar is calculated.

A Chinese month yue4 月 which means "moon" is a REAL moon.

Each lunar month starts on the day of the new moon.

This is the day the moon is closest to the sun and not visible at all.

Does it mean that one has to look at the sky each time to tell the new moon?

Fortunately, the answer is "no".

Otherwise there'll be a lot of stiff necks!

Because the new moon occurs with enough regularity to devise a calendar based on its phases.

(Full moon in the middle of the month. Moon wanes at the end of the month).

On average, each lunar month is 29.5 days.

(Sometimes the months are 29 days and other times they are 30 days.)

But multiplying 29.5 days by 12 months gives 354 days.

Which is 11 days short of 365 1/4 days, the cycle of the four seasons.

Or 11 days "faster" if you like.

So, how does the Chinese calendar "wait" for the natural world to catch up?

By adding an extra month to make a "thirteen-month year".

Well, not every year but every few years.

How often? It turns out seven times every nineteen years.

In this way, the Chinese calendar year keeps in step with the real world.

Each year in the Chinese Calendar is also named after one of 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac.

Last year, 2005 was the year of the rooster and 2006 the year of the dog.

Go to for a chart of Chinese New Year dates from the year 1900 to 2019 you can use to tell which is your animal sign.

It's a "cool" system because you won't have to remember how old you are.

You'll just have to know which animal year you were born in!


8 Ways To Celebrate Chinese New Year


Author: Kah Joon Liow


What are the Chinese New Year activities for celebrating this most important festival in the Chinese calendar?

Let's start at the beginning...

In China, Chinese New Year is called the Spring Festival.

That's because the first day of Chinese New Year falls on the start of spring.

The beginning of spring is a fresh start…

It's the start of a new year of sowing and reaping.

A wish for a good harvest in the year ahead.

(That's how the Chinese character for "year" nian2 年 came about.)

A cause for celebration!

All around the world, Chinese families... put up Chinese New Year scrolls on both sides of the door,

set off firecrackers (It's illegal in many Chinese cities now, but people do it anyway)

and married adults give children red envelopes filled with "lucky money".

Chinese New Year activities begin 2-4 weeks before the "big day".

Here's what you can do to celebrate Chinese New Year.

It's what Chinese families do all over the world.

1. Clean up the house

Select a day and together with the family, clean up the house.

This ritual gets rid of bad luck in the ending year and welcomes in good luck in the new year.

2. Send greeting cards

Send greeting cards with new year wishes to friends, relatives and colleagues.

Remember to post your greeting cards early!

3. Go shopping

Go shopping to buy new clothes for the whole family, food and sweets, and festive home decorations.

Looking for Chinese New Year activities for kids? Go to the website below.

4. Get ready some red packets.

You'll need them later.

5. Decorate the house

Hang Chinese New Year scrolls called spring couplets on both sides of the door to usher in good wishes for the new year.

Paste paper cuts of upside down good fotune "fu" characters, happy children and tangerine oranges on the wall.

Make sure you have vases of flowers in the house during Chinese New Year.

They do more than just add a new year atmosphere to the home.

Living plants symbolize growth and flowers represent wealth and prosperity.

Pum blossoms can be arranged together with bamboo and pine.

They stand for endurance, nobility and longevity.

Other favorite flowers are pussy willow, azalea, peony and water lily or narcissus.

6. Prepare the reunion dinner

Gather your family together for this most important and sumptuous meal of the year on Chinese New Year's eve.

Prepare a meal with auspicious dishes like chicken, fish, oysters, dumplings, green vegetables and noodles.

They have meanings of prosperity, longevity and abundance.

I've put together some Chinese New Year recipes and a list of what different foods symbolize at

7. Pass the year

After a hearty meal, stay up late to "pass the year" guo4 nian2 过年, an ancient tradition.

You can watch TV, play card games, or chat.

After midnight (or on the morning of Chinese New Year's day), give your children the red envelopes filled with money (called "lucky money").

Put the red packets under the pillow of children. This is said to ward off evil.

8. Send New Year greetings

Call up friends or SMS them on the morning of Chinese New Year and wish them Happy New Year, Good Health and Prosperity.

Visit the homes of friends and relatives with two big tangerines.

Bring red packets to give to the children at the homes you're visiting.

These are eight ways to have a roaring Chinese New Year celebration with family and friends!

Eight is the most auspicious number for Chinese people.

It means wealthy and properous.

Here's to your good health and prosperity in the New Year!


Life Coach: Learn How to Make the Top Ten New Year Resolutions Permanent


Author: Kelly Burris


This is not yet another article to give you advice or tell you what to do. Most people have a difficult time telling a five year old what to do let alone someone who has lived with an unwanted behavior for 5, 10, 15 or more years. This is an article about the basics of how to get the job done.
The mind is great at multitasking. This is why one can maintain several bad habits at once and this is why one can make several resolutions to replace those habits and accomplish them all. Before we get started with the top ten New Year Resolutions however one needs to understand some basic principals about the subconscious.
From your very first breath everything you have seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt is stored in the subconscious mind. The subconscious uses this information to determine how you emotionally respond to your world. This is what is referred to as your subconscious programming. You are continually subject to the random information of the subconscious if you do not know how it works.
This is why there is an endless supply of advice givers because no one has taken the time to address the single most important question for goal setting, New Year Resolutions or just simply a change in behavior and that is "What determines a human behavior?" A New Year Resolution or setting a goal is all about fixing something that does not work. This brings up another question "Can you fix anything if you do not know how it works?" The answer to this is an emphatic no. It is the equivalent of banging on the top of your radio or TV when it goes on the blink and suddenly it starts working. You say to yourself...I guess I fixed it. Does it make any sense to guess when speaking in terms of the quality of your life and what you need for it to work?
Once you have an answer to the question (What determines human behavior?) you will need information on how to act upon the answer but first let's take a look at the top ten New Year Resolutions slightly revised by a Master Life Coach.
1) Learn the Process of What Determines Human Behavior
The resolution of changing any behavior always begins with a question and the question here is, "What determines human behavior?You are guessing how to accomplish your New Year resolutions if you cannot answer this question. Without learning the process of what determines a behavior it is unlikely you will be able to permanently change any behavior so this question needs to be number one on your list.
2) Spend More Time with Family & Friends
Love is your most powerful emotional state and spending more time with people you love assists in solidifying this emotional state. If you underhand how an emotional state comes about you can maintain this powerful state in the absence of family and friends.
3) Health, Fitness and Weight Loss
Fifty-five percent of adults in America are overweight so this has become a popular New Year Resolution. Evidence of this is the packed Health Clubs in January. Weight Loss is almost a 40 billion dollar a year industry. Every year it is a rehash of the same old things and people continue to buy them. At some point you need to ask yourself if you have control over your eating behavior. If the answer is no or not really then it is time to get control of what is controlling you.
4) Quit Smoking
Smoking is more than just a habit it is a physiological addiction. This is why you must attack this problem from two fronts. There are a number of different ways to immediately address the physiological part of the equation but the behavior must be addressed at the same time in order to permanently kill the habit. When the habit is not addressed along with the physiological side of the problem more harm than good can be done. This happens when you continue to smoke while wearing a patch or using other pharmaceuticals to kill the addiction.
5) Enjoy Life More
This seems like it would be so simple but if you do not understand how an emotional state comes about this is easy to say but very difficult to accomplish.
6) Quit Drinking
While many people use the New Year as an incentive to finally stop drinking, most are not equipped with the skills in taking control of their subconscious. If you do not run the subconscious the subconscious is going to run you.
7) Get Out of Debt
Was money a big source of stress in your life last year? Out of control dept often means out of control emotionally. Making yourself feel better can many times involve overspending. If you begin to understand how an emotional state comes about then you need not overspend to attempt to affect it.
8) Learn Something New
Challenge your mind in the coming year, and your horizons will expand. Especially if you are learning how the subconscious works and how to take control of it.
9) Help Others
This is a popular, non-selfish New Year resolution. As human beings our only real value is what we can do for other people.
10) Get Organized
Organization is the key to permanently maintaining a long New Year Resolution List but where do you start. You start by taking control of what allowed you to become disorganized to begin with and that is of course the supreme ruler in your life, the subconscious. Getting control of the clutter in the subconscious will bring about organization automatically in our lives.
The reason all New Year Resolutions gets down to the subconscious is because the subconscious runs approximately four times faster than you can speak and right now you have no idea what it is doing. The conscious and subconscious is like a rope tow with the vat of mud in the middle. The conscious is one person on one side against the subconscious which is four people on the other side. If consciously you say to yourself, I want to lose weight, quit smoking etc. it is usually a losing proposition because you are outnumbered with information. In other words if you do not understand how to take control of the subconscious you will almost always be out gunned by the subconscious.
Until you learn how to recognize access and change your subconscious programming your New Year Resolutions will probably always be carried over to the next year. The question before you make a New Year Resolution is "Do I want control over my New Year Resolutions?" If the answer to this question is yes then the first step is to get control of your subconscious.


New Year Resolutions


Author: Gus



I am an avid New Year's Resolutions writer! In fact, I write them often. May be two or three times in a year. My success rate with them is mixed. I am more or less disciplined and hard working person. So I keep on pushing ahead. But my Resolutions are too ambitious, you may say impractical, to be fulfilled. For example, I may write during this year I will write 3 novels, three non-fiction books, 50 articles, 50 short stories, and 50 poems. At the end of the year, I may not have completed even a single novel, a single non-fiction book, and written only a few articles, short stories, and poems.

My experience with New Year Resolutions has taught me some lessons which I am sharing with you.

1.Don't leave New Year Resolutions for the last moment to write! If you do, on the last day of the year you may end up hurriedly writing down something not better than a shopping list. Spend some time and energy in writing them. At the same time, if you fail to write them before the New Year starts, don't think that now it is too late. Write in the first week of the year or later. It is better writing late than never.
2.Before writing about the New Year and future, cast a glance at the old year and the past. How was the old year? Did you keep your resolutions? If yes, to what extent? If not, why? Given another chance, how would you plan and live the old year. Have a vision of the future. How would you like to see yourself after one year or thereafter? Base your resolutions on this analysis.
3.Write down what you really want to do, not what is routine, customary, or fashionable. If you have no inner urge to reduce weight or quit smoking, it is no use resolving to do so.
4.Make New Year Resolutions a vehicle for change. While we are comfortable with status quo, we want to change our life too. Everybody thinks that he is in a rut. He or she would have been happier in another job, in different circumstances, in new places. But we fear change. Don't just foolhardily jump into change, but plan for it.
5.Plan for new and exciting things in life. Learn something new—dancing, playing a musical instrument, a new language, tennis, web-designing, or writing poetry. If you have never loved, love. It is an exciting thing. If you are in love, get married. It is intoxicating.
6.Write down specific goals rather than general. Instead of writing, "I will reduce weight," specify how many pounds or kilograms you want to reduce within which period and by what means. So write, during the year I will reduce my weight by 30 pounds. I will aim at reducing 10 pounds every quarter (so that I have some extra time towards the year-end). I will regulate my diet (be specific about diet too), will exercise or play some game, go for morning or evening walk, start yoga, and lead an active life.
7.Break down bigger whole year aims to smaller quarterly and monthly aims. In fact, each week write down the aim for that week also. Of course, also keep a daily to-do list (to be written at the start of the day or one day in advance). Revise the monthly and quarterly targets in the light of progress made and aims abandoned and new aims added. In fact, write down a continually evolving list of to-do for the year. Whatever you want to do in the year, just add to this list and do when the right time comes.
8.Supplement the Resolutions list with other lists: Daily Prayer in which you may pray to God for giving you happiness, success, and health, etc. Daily Affirmations, in which you may use the power of affirmations. Daily Do's in which you may fix your daily routine which may be helpful in fulfilling your Resolutions, Daily Don'ts, things you should not do.
9.Use positive power! Most of our resolutions fail because they are about negatives rather than positives. We want to reduce weight or quit smoking, or drinking. But all these are negatives. We will surely be defeated fighting against them. Instead, if we decide to start playing tennis, it would be a positive thing. Little by little we will get interested in it. We will get addicted to it. We will not be able to stay at home when it is playtime, whether it is at 5 a.m. or 5 p.m. We will have to go when our partner calls us. If we are over-weight, we will jog, eat less and sensibly. If we get fatigued easily, we will quit smoking and drinking. We would like to be at the top of our tennis team! We will reduce weight, quit smoking and drinking easily (because our game of tennis demands it!).
10.Don't abandon all Resolutions on slight failure! One of the main reasons why diets are abandoned is 'All or Nothing' attitude. If we fail to follow the diet for one day or eat too much one day, we consider that we have failed and abandon the resolution. The same is true of our resolution about quitting smoking or drinking.
11.If your resolutions break down, and they will and should now and then, for example, when you are celebrating something, when you are honeymooning, when you are meeting some deadline, restart the resolutions. Similarly, periodically evaluate the progress, even make changes. A year is a long period; reexamine your life every three months.
12.Don't forget the unwritten premises! When we write our Resolutions we concentrate what we want to achieve in worldly sense. But we fail to mention other important things in life, like: I will be happy, I will love my family, and I will enjoy nature, etc. These unwritten resolutions are more important than the written ones. If we fulfill them and even fail at achieving the written aims, we have still won. If we succeed at both, that is superb!

Now write down your resolutions! Good Luck.

Be Happy! Be Successful! Be Healthy!


Don't Set New Year's Resolutions - Take Action in The New Year


Author: Wendy Hearn


It's that time of year again when we start talking and thinking about New Year's Resolutions even though they're old hat and we instinctively know they don't work. Because your friends, family and colleagues may chat about what Resolutions they're going to make, do you find yourself wondering whether to make any? We know that within a few days or weeks, the Resolutions will be forgotten, nothing will have changed and yet for some reason most people still worry about them. So why do we still bother with New Year's Resolutions? First, they're a custom and a New Year ushers in a new start, so what better time than now? There's even a small chance that we may stick to our Resolutions this year, so we have a go. The main reason some people think about New Year's Resolutions is because they want to change things in their life.

There's the usual New Year's Resolutions, such as I want to lose weight, change jobs, or earn more money but they tend to be the same ones you've had for years and they're still incomplete. These types of Resolutions are too vague. It's this vagueness, coupled with a lack of action which means that most people don't achieve their New Year's Resolutions. For Resolutions to work, they need to be well thought out and have real meaning. If not, they become a vague item on your "wish list" instead of actually doing something concrete about them.

The word resolution comes from 'resolve' and means to make up one's mind or decide firmly. Prior to New Years Day you may think of Resolutions you want to make and probably feel you've made up your mind, but what happens? Probably, very little or even nothing at all. Even though you know that Resolutions don't usually work, it seems that most us still want to make them. Perhaps that's because other people around you do it, so you feel you should follow suit because there are things in your life which you want to be different. The end of a year is a time for clearing out and completing things, to leave us with a clean slate ready to start a new year. There's something about a new year, a new beginning, and a fresh start which encourages us to make New Year's Resolutions. It's a powerful feeling to know you have a year ahead of you and you can choose what you do with it. It's a time for reflection about where you want to go next.

What about committing to New Year changes and actions, rather than Resolutions?
The key to achieving what you really want in life and business is to take action to achieve those changes. It's the lack of action which stops us from having what we most want. What you want will be different for each individual and may include

ทMore time in your personal life
ทLess stress and more fun.
ทGreater business and career success.
ทBalance between work and home
ทAltering your management or leadership style.

You may think I'm talking about life and business separately, yet they're inextricably linked. The key point is that you may want to focus on your professional life, yet this is directly related to your personal life.

Thinking about New Year's Resolutions may have made you aware that there are some changes you want to make. I encourage you to take steps on a consistent basis to make these changes, rather than vaguely tossing Resolutions around and not doing anything about them.


Who Made The First New Year's Resolution?


Author: God's Penman


What is it that makes people stay up until the wee hours of the morning one night out of the year? My primary objective in life is not to see how late I can stay up, but getting up in the morning.

If I can get up each morning, it is a major accomplishment that I should celebrate with eggs, bacon and a hot cup of coffee — which is about all the celebrating I can handle.

I'm not anxious to see someone drop the ball on New Year's Eve. I do enough of that myself throughout the year and believe me, nobody cheers.

One thing I am most careful to do each New Year's Day is make out my resolutions for the coming year. New Year's resolutions represent one of the most ancient of human rituals. I say "human rituals" because it is not known whether the animal or plant world enjoy such exhilarating rituals. The evidence at this point in time is inclusive.

Perhaps Mark Twain was correct when he observed, "humans are the only animals that blush — or need to."

I have not always held such high and lofty views of the New Year's resolution. Once, when I was young and did not know any better, I completely ignored this yearly ritual.

My good friend and mentor, the Reverend Frank Simmons, set me straight on this important issue. My early pastorate was close to Frank's and we spent much time together. I learned so much from him, things they do not teach in college.

Each New Year's Day we would spend in each other's society. One year Frank and his wife would entertain us at his parsonage and the next year my wife and I would reciprocate. It was at our parsonage one year when I made the casual remark that I did not believe in New Year's resolutions.

As far as I was concerned, a New Year's resolution was a useless attempt to interfere with scientific laws. My best resolve is not going to change much in the long run. Besides, I can't run that far these days. My mind is bigger than my legs.

For example. Have you ever noticed that a New Year's resolution is stronger at its birth than any subsequent period? My best intention in January is a long faded memory by July.

Most New Year's resolutions are simply lame attempts to apologize for the past year and a promise of better behavior in the year ahead. People spend so much energy in the creative act of coming up with a good set of New Year's resolutions that there is no energy left to actually keep them for more than two consecutive days.

Frank allowed me to dig my hole as deep as possible and then in his unique way, let me know that I was wrong. I always took criticism from him very seriously.

"Can you tell me," he asked with a mischievous twinkle, "the origin of the New Year's resolution and who made the first one?"

Of course, he caught all of us off guard with this one. My good wife suggested that maybe it was Samson who resolved to give up female barbers.

Everyone had a good laugh at that one. Frank especially enjoyed it, slapping his knee and roaring with laughter.

My thoughts turned to the biblical book of Ecclesiastes. "When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed. Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay." (Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 KJV.)

In my mind, a vow is the same thing as a resolution.

As important as it is to make a vow, or resolution, keeping it is more important. If you cannot, or will not, keep it, better not make it.

A resolution is not an opportunity to boast. It should be done very carefully and sincerely.

Many people at this time of the year make resolutions such as attending church more regularly, reading their Bible and praying every day, and giving more money to their local church.

Such resolutions are music in the ear of every pastor. The problem is, the band stops playing in mid-February.

If everyone who made such resolutions actually kept them for an entire year, most pastors would have heart attacks by September. Thankfully, there is no actual medical danger for the cleric population.

Back to Frank's intriguing question. "Can you tell me the origin of the New Year's resolution and who made the first one?"

During our lively discussion of the subject Frank kept quiet. He just leaned back in his chair, listening to the deliberation with a devilish grin playing across his face. Gradually, the rest of us grew silent and directed our attention toward Frank.

"All right," I finally begged, "tell us. Where did the New Year's Resolution originate and who make the first one?"

Frank knew he had us right where he wanted us.

"Not many people know," Frank began, "that the New Year's resolution has biblical roots. It began with Adam."

He certainly had my attention and I leaned forward to catch every word. With great deliberation Frank explained, "As the first couple began their second year in the Garden of Eden, Adam turned to Eve and said, 'Honey, this year I'm going to turn over a new leaf.'"


New Year's Around The World


Author: Terry Kaufman


From food to various cultural practices, one thing is a certainty: No matter where or how we live, the one constant in all our lives is that of a new year, of a time blossoming out into spiritual and physical rebirth. We are the same yet we have refreshed ourselves. .

  • One of the best known symbols of the new year in the United States is the New Year's baby, a tradition brought to early America by the ancient Greeks (c. 600 BC) with a side trip though Germany.

  • Early Christians denounced the use of a baby as an act of paganism but since the concept of the baby as a symbol of rebirth was so popular with others, Christians were convinced to add their approval for the baby (in the body of the infant Jesus). Of course, it took many centuries to encompass the thought of a cute baby, complete with a top hat and diaper imprinted with the date of the incoming New Year.

As people are different, so are their ways of greeting the new year. Reaching back centuries, a great many of these celebrations involve food to insure a good, strong harvest. Many center around family and children.

  • In Russia, children can visit the New Year Tree at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. This huge fir tree shimmers with an untold number of colored lights. The children can also attend a fairy tale play and to highlight the day, Grandfather Frost and his helper the Snow Maiden distribute gifts. Swedes celebrate the New Year by attending church services in the morning, followed by a big, joyous family dinner.

  • In West Bengal, in northern India, people celebrate the New Year by wearing flowers, particularly those in pink, red, purple,or white. Women like to wear yellow, the color of Spring. In Karala, in southern India, again flowers and bright� colors play an important part. Children are given food, flowers, and small gifts. Orange flags are flown in central India. And finally, in Gujarat in western India, the New Year's celebration happens at the end of October and is celebrated with Diwali, another Indian festival. Small oil lights are lit on rooftops.

  • New Year in Vietnam is called Tet Nguyen Dan or merely Tet. It lasts from January 21st to February 19th. Vietnamese tenet believes there is a god residing in each home and at New Year, this god travels to heaven where he analyzes each person's behavior over the last year. It was once believed this god rode to heaven on the back of a carp and now, a live carp is bought and then let go in a river or a pond. The Vietnamese also believe the first person to enter their house during New Year will determine the fortunes of the household, whether they be good or bad.

  • To keep evil spirits out, Japanese hang a rope of straw in front of the full width of their houses. The rope is meant to signify happiness and good luck.

  • In China, an envelope called Hong Bao, or Red Pocket, is given by married couples to children and unmarried adults in order to insure a happy life. Grudges are not held - the New Year calls for a clean slate between families, friends, and others of the community. Firecrackers are set off during the Festival of Lanterns to scare away evil spirits.

  • Off on the other side of the world, residents of Scotland celebrate New Year with Hogmany. Some villages practice the tradition of setting barrels of tar on fire and rolling them through the streets.Symbolically, the old year is burned up and the new one allowed to enter. Like the Japanese, Scots believe luck, good or bad, is determined by the first person entering your domicile, preferably a dark-haired man bearing a gift. This determination of luck is known as first-footing. The Scottish song Auld Lang Syne, is sung at midnight on New Year's Eve, a custom repeated throughout the world.

  • In the United States, people celebrate New Year's Day with a multitude of food and drink. The day is not complete without turning the television on for the world-famous Tournament of Roses Parade and, of course, the annual Rose Bowl football game.

  • The old year is winding down, shown by the appearance of Father Time, lugging his hour glass of days left to the old year, his hair and beard long and flowing. It is time to renew again.

    • Bonne Annee! Havoli Makahiki Hou! Happy New Year


An Overview Of The Chinese New Year For Travelers


Author: Richard Monk


China is a popular travel destination for many travelers and will be more so as the Olympics approach. The new year celebrations in China are top notch and here is some information on them.

An Overview of the Chinese New Year for Travelers

Most of the world celebrates its New Year on January 1st, which marks the beginning of the Gregorian calendar that most countries use. It's not the only New Year celebration, however. The Jewish New Year takes place on Rosh Hashanah, which coincides with a date on the Gregorian calendar that will always fall between September 6 and October 15. Another celebration of the year beginning comes in China - the background of Chinese New Year is very interesting and complex.

The Chinese New Year originally started with the Xin Dynasty, which is where "month one" of the Chinese year was said to start. Month twelve was said to be during the Shang Dynasty. These were not months in the sense of the Gregorian calendar, rather, just marking different periods of time. The first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, changed the beginning of the Chinese New Year to be during the period marked month ten in 221 BC. The final change of when the Chinese New Year would be celebrated happened in 104 BC, when Emperor Wu decided on a first day of the year.

The customs that started with the Chinese New Year came from other sources. The first New Year celebrations were said to have been based on an old legend of a monster known as Nian. This monster could sneak into houses, and all of the Chinese people were afraid of him. Once the population learned that Nian was afraid of loud noises and the color red, people began to put on fireworks displays and decorate with the color red. This led to the term "Guo Nian" (Passover the Nian) which is also used as the term for New Year.

The period of the Chinese New Year celebrations lasts for fifteen days on the Gregorian calendar. The date on which the celebration starts is determined by the Chinese calendar, which is a lunisolar calendar, and always starts between the Gregorian dates of January 21 and February 20. The celebration starts with New Year's Eve. Before this date, Chinese families make sure to thoroughly clean their houses, because it is believed that this will sweep away bad luck. All brooms and cleaning items are put away on New Year's Eve so good luck can not be swept away, and a family dinner is held to celebrate.

The Chinese New Year ends with the Lantern Festival, one of the most recognizable parts of the holiday to Westerners. This period of celebration is not just held in China; Taiwan, Korea, Singapore and Vietnam, among others, also mark the time of the Chinese New Year.


Enjoying A Times Square New Years Eve


Author: Mike Selvon


The year of 1904 marked an important moment in time for New York and for people around the world. It was the first time that Times Square New Years Eve celebration was held. From that year on, New Years Eve New York city became synonymous with ringing in a new year and a fresh start to the world. Times Tower marked the spot that would later host over one million people each year, all gathered together to celebrate the end of the holidays and the birth of a brand new year.

There are a few things everyone should know about this special day celebrations at Times Square. The first is that it is very crowded. It is estimated that over one million people attend the festivities each year.

Party venues in London, such as the London Eye, gathers around 150,000 people to watch the spectacular firework show. It is definitely a celebration of immense numbers, but still no where near the amount of people who attend the Times Square bash in person, or the billions of people who watch from home.

One hundred years is a long time and this year, the Times Square New Years Eve celebration will mark its anniversary by debuting a new Ball illuminated by LED lights and the panels crafted from Waterford crystal. The ball will be twice as bright as before and pictures of the new ball are now posted on the internet and the New York City Chambers of Commerce.

New York City celebration on this special day will always be in the forethought of people's minds when it comes to ringing in the New Year. A New Years Eve party at Times Square is one of the lures of the Big Apple. Sure you can see a New York Broadway play, but who could not pass up the opportunity to visit Times Square. The celebrities, the parties and the festivities all bring people closer together to share in the fun and excitement that a new year brings.

There is a catch to attending a Times Square New Years Eve bash. It is filled with merrymakers and you should book your hotel reservations for this special day in advance.

There is more than one celebration happening so you will need to make your arrangements as early as possible. If you are attending the Times Square festivities, then you will need to arrive early in the night to be in a good spot to watch the ball drop.


Your New Years Eve Questions Answered


Author: Mike Selvon


The Christmas holiday is over and with it a sense of relief. You dashed around and finished all of your shopping on time. The holiday gatherings are over and the food has been eaten.

You should have an immense sense of relief but there is always that nagging sensation of being let down. Perhaps it is time to take some recreational fun for you and your loved ones. New Years Eve is one of the biggest party days of the year.

Adults around the world celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the New Year. Small, intimate gatherings or large celebrations bring out the party animal in us all. There are plenty of places to visit on this special night each year and it can all seem confusing if you attempt to do this at the last minute.

You may be the club sort or simply want to host your own New Years Eve party. The choices are endless and can be anything you want it to be. If you are unsure of what to do on New Years Eve, this article is for you. You can get ideas on what to do to ring in the New Year in style.

What is the history of New Years Eve?

Celebrating the New Year is not a modern tradition. This history begins with the Babylonians hosting festivities that lasted for days to mark the first New Moon after the First day of spring each year. But you have to keep in mind that the calendar in which modern humanity uses has changed over the years through the whims of different rulers.

It was not until Julius Caesar developed the Julian calendar that the days became to coincide with modern festivities. Over the centuries festivities have marked the end of the old year with the birth of a new year. Each culture has had different ways of celebrating this rebirth.

What are New Years Eve cruises?

New Years Eve cruises are exactly as the name implies. It is a cruise aboard a ship that is out to sea or in port on New Years Eve. Most cruise lines are operational during this time period and offer package deals for families and individuals wanting to ring in the New Year in a different manner than the typical party.

Cruise lines may have a ball or some type of party that fits in with any traveler's desire. You can elect to cruise the Mediterranean or the Caribbean waters. The choice is completely up to you but make sure you book your trip in advance because space fills up quickly.

How far in advance should I make New Years Eve plans?

If you have been invited to a party at a nearby destination or friend's house you will want to RSVP quickly as a courtesy to the host or hostess. If you intend to book a package deal, travel abroad or take a cruise you will want to book your vacation as far in advance as possible to avoid the rush.

This is especially true if you are flying. Some hotels offer last minute packages to sell out unused rooms but you do not want to count on this as part of your determining factors in where to go. It is best to have your New Years Eve plans in place at least by Christmas.

I have young children and they cannot be awake until midnight. What can I do to celebrate the New Years with them?

Many parents of young children fool their kids into thinking midnight has arrived by setting the clocks forward. You can turn the channel to a television station in another part of the world that is on a different time zone.

Most small children do not realize the difference between nine o-clock and midnight. If you feel uncomfortable with the deception then just explain to them that they are not old enough to stay up until midnight.

Children under the age of seven will fall asleep before reaching the magic hour. You can let them try to stay up as late as they can and chances are they will have the time of their lives just with that extra bit of freedom from a regularly scheduled bedtime.

Are there inexpensive parties and trips for New Years Eve?

If you cannot afford a trip out of area there are usually many local parties in your neck of the country. Local country clubs, hotels and resorts often have New Years Eve festivities. Some airlines and travel agents have last minute deals to popular resorts.

It is always better to make arrangements before New Years Eve but if you cannot there is always the possibility of last minute packages that become available due to cancellation. You will have to stay diligent but you can have a great time ringing in the New Year.


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