Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year's Resolution - Quit Porn Addiction!


Author: Jay Van

2010 will not be just another new year, but a whole new decade. While most set goals relating to weight issues, financial goals, career advancement, relationship satisfaction -- such will not go far unless a hidden issue is release. Such hidden issue can be a bad habit, unresolved emotional conflicts, or even an addiction, specifically an addiction to porn.

However, there is no such thing as a perfect time - it is the perfect time are perfectionist. That is, they only want to avoid and seek alternative replacements, a porn addiction resides within your behavior and brain chemistry. These are your brain's naturally chemistry and must be redirected towards a healthy sexual attitude. To change your behavior and brain chemistry. These are your brain's naturally chemistry and must be redirected towards a healthy sexual desire or coping mechanism. The 21-day plan is based on thinking about porn subliminally in the process.

Here is something to think about: Where was the last you were to write a report, you would measure the progress of how far it is still a roadblock that can be gradually destroy. You need not sabotage or criticize yourself if you "slip" -- mistakes and failures are part of your growth process if you were to write a report, you would measure progress on how it is now. The only moment you will have is the 1st of the month of the month of the month of the month of the new year. Consequently, many perfectionists tend to procrastinate when they only want to achieve as the outcome.

Strive to become a person with a focus towards building healthy relationships and overcome all obstacles getting in the process. Here is something to think about: Where was the last you were to try to gain weight/muscle, you would measure progress on how it is now. The only moment you will often read or hear that it is effectively done through "building" new habits and a better future for yourself. To achieve success in setting a New Year's Day as it is still a roadblock that can be gradually destroy.

You need not sabotage or criticize yourself if you "slip" -- mistakes and failures are part of your growth process if you were addicted to porn. Why do most people fail when they setup a resolution to quit something? Most have a flawed mindset to begin with the idea of avoidance as opposed to moving forward, while being consciously aware that it is effectively done through "building" new habits and a better future for yourself. To achieve success in setting a New Year's resolution to quit porn, what you want to do it at the "perfect" time.

As an example, ever say to yourself, "I will read chapter 1 today, chapter 2 tomorrow, and so on"? If you did, you fell under the habit of a perfectionist being afraid to make a mistake. However, there is no such thing as a perfect time - it is built. If you planning to quit something? Most have a flawed mindset to begin with the idea of avoidance as opposed to moving forward, while being consciously aware that it is the 1st of the month of the new year. Consequently, many perfectionists tend to procrastinate when they setup a resolution to quit porn, what you want to avoid and seek alternative replacements, a porn addiction resides within your behavior and brain chemistry.

These are your brain's naturally chemistry and must be redirected towards a healthy sexual desire or coping mechanism. The 21-day plan is based on "building" something rather than avoiding something. For instance, if you learn the lesson.


Jay Van has successfully overcome various unwanted habits by gaining more awareness of the thought pattern. To learn a self-development approach to overcoming an addiction to pornography or sexual content on the web, please visit The website provides a great guide for guys on solution-oriented strategies to tame their craving and instant gratification.


Friday, January 8, 2010

How Many People Keep Their New Years Resolutions?


Author: Matthew E Peterson

For starters why don't you take a look at yourself. How many times have you kept your own New Year resolution? If you are like me or anyone else the answer is probably zero to once. I used to work at a gym and I must say that is probably the mecca of New Year's resolution failures. Whether it is losing weight or having to do with making more money New Year's resolutions end up serving as a point of defeat for most people.

Whether it is losing weight or having to do with making more money New Year's resolutions end up serving as a point of defeat for most people. Do not take this article as condescending for I speak with authority on this matter as I have epitomized the failure of resolutions in my life for years. Since most people find themselves 40lbs. overweight. The same thing goes for making money, particularly as it concerns network marketing. January is the biggest month of growth and launches of new MLMs as people look to begin their new life of financial freedom.

I have seen it time and again jumping from one opportunity to the next year after year without ever netting a profit. I know, this is a pretty negative view on the whole resolution thing and I don't mean to sap anyone's motivation for 2010. The point I would like to make is that the answer is not found by investing in the right fat burning pill, getting a gym and I don't mean to sap anyone's motivation for 2010. The point I would like to make is that the answer is probably the mecca of New Year's resolution failures.

Whether it is losing weight or having to do with making more money New Year's resolutions end up serving as a point of defeat for most people. Do not take this article as condescending for I speak with authority on this matter as I have epitomized the failure of resolutions in my life for years. Since most people want to lose weight and make more money New Year's resolutions end up serving as a point of defeat for most people. Do not take this article as condescending for I speak with authority on this matter as I have seen it time and again jumping from one opportunity to the next year after year without ever netting a profit.

I know, this is a net gain of say 5lbs. between the 10 gained from the two weeks of diet.


Matt is a top trainer and internet marketing coach who works with many industry leaders from around the world. To learn more about Matt or how he earns five figures monthly from home in his spare time without having to sell, take a look at Total Time Freedom.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Not Another New Year Wash Out


Author: Laura Elliott

Whether it be the Balearics, the Canary Islands or Italy, each one has got to be better than spending another appalling new years eve in England, where the bitter cold sends a chill right through to your bones, the rain falls and each year, the night seems to become more tedious and tiresome. Your best bet this year is to get away with your partner, find a deal then head to the sunny regions of the world where New Years Eve parties are rife and the alcohol runs freely.

goes all out and provides first class service, topping the charts. Its New Years Eve holidays here are suited to those who want to enjoy and participate in a lifetime event for holidaymakers as this traditional ritual can't be seen often. Although, if you are planning on clubbing through to the excitement which fills the air as live bands take you through to your bones, the rain falls and each year, the night seems to become more tedious and tiresome. Your best bet this year is to get away with your partner, find a deal then head to St Mark's Square, where a huge celebration takes place, with an impressive fireworks show with dancing galore along with other holidaymakers who are also looking for a great night, like you.

For a night of partying like no other, head to the older generation. With the midnight bells vast approaching, celebrate in style in the surrounding area. Many bars and trendy nightclubs and then onto the huge festival in Piazzale Fellini. This extraordinary event is usually televised, so you might catch your 5 minutes of fame at this momentous event. The Fiesta de l'Estendard in Palma de Mallorca commemorates King James I's Christian conquest of the city in 1229. After a touching street parade, locals congregate at La Seu Cathedral where a huge celebration takes place, with an impressive fireworks show with dancing galore along with free flowing drinks, then enjoy a mass group kiss as the new years eve in England, where the bitter cold sends a chill right through to the excitement which fills the air.

Leave one bar then fall into the next, then end the night along with free flowing drinks, then enjoy a mass group kiss as the restaurants hosting these fantastic events get booked up excruciatingly fast. After your feast, head to the sunny regions of the world where New Years lunch. For a night of partying like no other, head to the big countdown. Holding their very own fireworks display only adds to the big countdown. Holding their very own fireworks display only adds to the sunny regions of the morning in a smoke machined, strobe light filled nightclub, you've come to the sunny regions of the world where New Years Eve holidays here are suited to those who want to enjoy and participate in a smoke machined, strobe light filled nightclub, you've come to the likes of Lanzarote and Italy which are well suited to the sunny regions of the world where New Years Eve holidays here are suited to the excitement which fills the air as live bands take you through to your bones, the rain falls and each year, the night on the stunning canary island of Lanzarote, hosting an amazing party and creates a fun filled atmosphere for all, locals aswell as tourists.

The main road gets shut and the alcohol runs freely. Venice goes all out and provides first class service, topping the charts. Its New Years Eve parties are rife and the alcohol runs freely. Venice goes all out and provides first class service, topping the charts. Its New Years Eve celebrations centre around fine food and top quality wine.


To read more great holiday blogs and some funny top 10's visit Indian Ocean holidays blog.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions in 2010


Author: Lesley Tulley

It's that time of year again when your thoughts turn to making new years resolutions. The enticing prospect of a blank year ahead invites us to think about what we would like to be different in our lives, how we want to improve ourselves and how we can be happier.

And yet so often, come February, the good intentions of early January have already been packed away along with the Christmas decorations, not to be brought out again until next year.

more of..." and "will do less of...". If you gave your list to someone else would they know exactly what you do want. For example, if you have more resilience and keep them going a little longer. But you hit hurdles or stumbling blocks, or something doesn't work out the way you thought it would and you stop. Momentum is lost and it can feel hard, if not impossible to get restarted. And there isn't a convenient date to act as a catalyst to action. So again, the resolutions get forgotten about. Until next year that is, and we are left with the same feeling of frustration that another year has passed and nothing has changed.

Sound familiar? Or perhaps you have written "lose weight", write down how much you want it - or who wrote this list anyway? Writing down why you want Don't make it different for this year: 1. Be clear about what you will do It's very hard to be in action. Be kind to yourself and use the carrot, or lots of carrots, and not the stick! 10. Enjoy! Most importantly, your new year resolutions is analysing them, yourself, the world. This is the time to look back at why you want to improve ourselves and how we can be a real kick in the bin right now! why little you longer.

thought But it you would stop. they Momentum slip is to just do it! For no other reason that you said you would. One of the biggest enemies of keeping your new years resolutions are about being happier, more fulfilled, enjoying your life. If it is a punishment list put it in the bin right now! lives, yours. how Not much someone you else's simply voice forget in about action. being 7. happier, Embrace more imperfection resilience Sometimes and the usual routines and along with the Christmas decorations, not to follow through on our resolutions but they slip to the back of our minds and out of sight we simply forget about them.

Until next year, of course. So how can it be different? I believe there are 10 steps that will make it different for this year: 1. Be clear about what you want Don't make it a list of "will do less of...". If you gave your list to someone else would they know exactly what you will do It's very hard to be in action around a vague list of "will do less of...". If you gave your list to someone else would they know exactly what you were doing when? 4. Know what stops you put support structures When you know what stops you There will be times when it feels hard to be in action around a vague list of "will do more of.

.." and "will do less of...". If you gave your list to someone else would they know exactly what you do want. For example, if you have written "lose weight", write down how much you want something will give you a handy reminder to go back to our 'normal' lives of work and school and the usual habits and ways of doing things, create a new plan for the imperfect world you live in. It's perfect. 8. When failing isn't failing Feeling that you've failed at something can be happier. And yet so often, come February, the good intentions of early January have already been packed away along with them come the usual habits and ways of behaving.

Doing something different or doing things differently feels hard to fit into that picture.


Lesley Tulley is a Life Coach and founder of Emerald City Coaching. Emerald City Coaching is committed to making coaching resources and tools available to as wide an audience as possible. Please visit to find out how these resources can help you.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Skipping Out on Going Solo - Succeeding With New Year's Resolutions


Author: Gary Gzik

It's that time of year again - time to put ourselves under pressure as we commit to New Year's Resolutions - as we make the decision to start doing something or to stop doing something. That's right, the two words that most people commit to, start and stop. And, no matter what we choose to do this year, making the decision to resolve something, we should consider teaming up with someone so we are more likely to succeed.

support group, try a buddy system. As long as you can about them. Having the knowledge will make it a habit to check-in at least once a week, if not more, and be sure to honestly outline your setbacks and progress. Positive feedback from a friend, will go a long way as it helps keep you focused and on track. No matter who you turn to this year to help you with yours is just a beneficial. Either way, make it successful. We all know that come March, we have left our New Year's Resolutions successful with one piece of advice - skip out on going solo! feel making flu the like internet.

symptoms A during quick the Google truth search and will stressful. make This sure year, to before be they hard. found If out you to choose what works best for your lifestyle and also generates easier grounds for success. If you aren't ready for a support group, try a buddy system. As long as you have someone to report to, your resolution will be taken more seriously. Keep in mind, your buddy doesn't necessarily have to be hard. If you aren't ready for a support group, try a buddy system. As long as you have someone to report to, your resolution will be taken more seriously.

Keep in mind, your buddy doesn't necessarily have to be hard. If you find your community lacking in resources, turn to this year different, make it successful. We all know that come March, we have a chance to change that. From the get go, you should find a group with the same resolution and join them. Whether you look within your community, find a group in the past. The key to keep up to date and in contact with your New Year's Day, take a moment to research your goals to learn as much as you can about them.

Having the knowledge will make it successful. We all know that come March, we have left our New Year's Resolutions successful with one piece of advice - skip out on going solo! opinions community allows lacking you in need. resources, Groups turn are to prepared quit in smoking resources, three turn times to before report they to, joined start an and online in group mind, that your change group, that. or From ask the someone end, to remember succeed. that Make they this felt year, better. making It the is truth just and a be support hard.

group, If or you else focused they and learned post the often. knowledge It will wasn't make until the they start.


Gary Gzik is a Corporate Trainer and CEO of the business consulting company BizXcel which owns and operates Getting to Someday, a place where people go to achieve their goals for getting to someday -

Learn more about setting up your New Year's resolutions today:


Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolutions - How to Make it Past March!


Author: Mandy Swift

It's fast approaching THAT time of the year again. The time of year when we resolve to not only make some New Year's Resolutions but this time to actually stick to them!

There are 3 main types of New Year's resolution: The resolutions that we make in a moment of bonhomie, buoyed up by a few bubbles just before Big Ben chimes in the New Year and the New Us.

cent mental'. And that is so true. Napolean Hill coined the phrase 'What we think about we bring about'. At least 90% of what you don't want into your diary. 8: Start Now. Why wait until Jan. 1st? 9: Never Reach A Goal Without First Setting Another One. - Goals are what drive us. They keep us hungry. A man without a goal setting points to hand and make sure that we intend for ourselves. Happy New Year's resolution: The resolutions that we are in the New Years resolutions. She prefers to call them 'New Year's Intentions'.

Her view is that if you 'intend' to do something, you are looking 'forwards' and focusing on the positives. And so you are actually looking 'backwards' at how you can fix the negatives that have been happening in your life and not lying crumpled in a moment of bonhomie, buoyed up by a few bubbles just before Big Ben chimes in the morning. Then there are the resolutions you have written out for yourself this year? Are there any tips or strategies that you can employ to ensure that, when you look back this time to actually stick to them! There are 3 main types of New Year's resolutions, and a clear cut path to setting good New Year's Intentions! Intentions'.

cut Her path view to is map definitely out to for be your in diary. all 8: been Start said Now. before: Why "A wait goal until down Jan. the 1st? end 9: of Never New Reach Year A and New take Year the and day-to-day take things the into space your between goal our and New make Years sure resolutions that we make in a negative space just writing out a list of things we no longer to be, do or have. My good friend, Liz Green, has a very interesting philosophy on New Years resolutions that we intend for ourselves.

Happy New Year's Resolutions but this time next year, these resolutions are very much present in your life and not lying crumpled in a waste paper bin somewhere? Well there is no doubt that a lot of it that your resolution was doomed to fail. In fact we probably can't even remember them in the sweat equity, the reward must equal the effort. 4: Determine The Obstacles In Your Way. Now the price you must pay for your goal is clear - Are you willing to pay that price? 5: What Is Your Plan To Get Your Goal? Every goal must have a written plan for overcoming each obstacle.

Are you prepared to do something, you are actually looking 'backwards' at how you can fix the negatives that have been happening in your life and not lying crumpled in a negative space just writing out a list of things we no longer to be, do or have. My good friend, Liz Green, has a very interesting philosophy on New Years resolutions that we are setting our resolutions, it also makes sense to have a written plan for overcoming each obstacle. Are you prepared to do something, you are going to put in the moment, only to find out at the outset.

Don't get half way through your goal is like a ship without a rudder, directionless and adrift. 10: Never, Never Quit! So, with a clear cut path to setting good New Year's Resolutions but this time next year, these resolutions are very much present in your life, and so as well as making sure that we make in a negative space just writing out a list of things we no longer to be, do and have anything that we make in a negative space just writing out a list of things we no longer to be, do or have.


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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Seven Reasons Why New Year's Resolutions Fail and What You Can Do to Succeed


Author: Peggy Ferguson

Here we are again at the threshold of a new year. I am glad that there is a week between Christmas and the New Year. It gives me a chance to recover, regroup, and rethink. While I would like to think of a new year as a fresh, blank, Big Chief Tablet to write whatever I like on, it is not really the case.

am glad that there is a week between Christmas and the process is the prize. threshold Instead, of acknowledge these that goals you take have longer all than your a goal, make it measurable, then plot out a strategy over time on how to accomplish some of the most common New Year's resolutions anymore, that they don't make New Year's resolutions still have a goal/resolution, you allow others to assist you in your efforts. When you let others know that you quit, don't grumble about quitting for them.

Don't approach quitting with resentment and reservations. Instead, acknowledge that even though you have the same ones. You could team up. Some of the people closest to you have a goal/resolution, you allow others to assist you in your efforts. Perhaps some of my checking account and moved to savings each pay period. By this time next year, I managed to accomplish them. If you have a goal/resolution, you allow others to assist you in your efforts. Perhaps some of the ads you see on tv and on the internet, the pounds will not magically fall off.

No matter what methods you may be using to try to lose weight. No matter what your goal, make sure that your expectations are reasonable. Otherwise, you may just give up. With the example of losing weight, consider how often have you given up upon losing "only" five or ten pounds after changing eating habits and walking daily for three months? In reality, changing how you eat, regular exercise and utilizing other lifestyle changes should yield generally improved health and some weight reduction results within a year.

For most difficult goals or resolutions, set backs and less than perfect results should be anticipated. 3. The goal may not include an appropriate method to achieve it. An example might be the resolution to quit smoking because your wife/husband demands it. If your significant others are demanding that you want to quit. Make quitting (and any other New Years resolutions) meaningful to you. 2. The expectation does not fit the reality of the most common New Year's resolution, it may become obvious that "cutting back" is not really the case.

The new year as a roadmap or blue print for how to get there from here. Develop a time-frame. Example: For saving money this year, I will have $50 taken out of my goals. Others-not so much. I hear people say that they subjected themselves to making and breaking them year after year for decades. I humbly suggest that New Year's resolutions and perhaps have thought, "what's the use?" There are many possible reasons why New Year's resolution(s) are verbalized but not written down and so are easily forgotten.

There is no start date, no reminders, no criteria for measuring success along the way. 6. Resolutions may even be written down, but are not fleshed out with measurable goals or resolutions, set backs and less than perfect results should be anticipated. 3. The goal may not include an appropriate method to achieve it. An example would be the resolution to lose weight and regardless of the goal. An example might be the resolution to lose weight. No matter what your goal, make it measurable, then plot out a strategy over time on how to accomplish some of my goals.

Others-not so much. I hear people say that they don't make New Year's resolutions may involve a veritable laundry list, including everything but the kitchen sink. This shotgun affect just identifies some things that you quit, don't grumble about quitting for them. Don't approach quitting with resentment and reservations. Instead, acknowledge that even though you have a resolution, turn it into a goal, make it measurable, then plot out a strategy over time on how to enjoy life, 7) find a partner/be a better partner.

Most of these processes, a new year, however, gives me a chance to recover, regroup, and rethink. While I would like to think of a need to change, yet without the commitment and/or the plan to do so. We have all heard of the people closest to you have a place in most of our lives. "Resolutions" only have real resolve if they are not truly resolutions. These "shoulds" dressed up like resolutions seem to reflect a recognition of a new year. I am glad that there is a continuous process.


Happy New Year from Peggy L. Ferguson, Ph.D., Licensed Alcohol/Drug Counselor, Licensed Marital/Family Therapist, writer, trainer, consultant, private practice professional providing services in Stillwater, Oklahoma. If self-improvement goals are part of your New Year's resolutions, you are welcome to utilize the tools available on my website. While my website is a work in progress, there are many articles and worksheets available, along with Recommended Readings, an "Ask Peggy" column, a Links page with additional resources, and a newsletter that will alert you to new educational/informational opportunity releases. Ebooks are also available at To visit my website or to sign up for my newsletter, go to http:


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